TVD Premiere: Boh Doran, “White Knuckles”

“This was the last song we did for the EP. It came when a friend of ours, Coyle Girelli was in town from NYC. We were wrapping up the other material but thought, “Hey why not, let’s shoot for another.”

We were talkin’ shop about romance and things… and I threw out the whole idea of “white knuckling.” My mom used to use the term. We always want relationships to BE this IDEA we have in our heads, instead of what they actually are, and often waste too much time holding on to the fantasy of it all.” —Boh Doran

I’ll tell ya what we’re NOT doing over here at TVD HQ–white knuckling. Since Boh Doran’s track of the same name landed in our collective in-box, we’ve been hooked—the chorus trapped in our heads and look, there’s an intern over there drumming along on the desk.

Ms. Doran has delivered a sinewy and sexy ear worm for your summer fascination(s) and we’re delighted to put it on your radar like a warm beach blanket.

Boh Doran’s self titled debut EP is being readied for store shelves very soon. Self-described as “a smoky take on the hungry side of love,” we’re anticipating its arrival and ok, sure…a bit white knuckled.

Boh Doran plays LA’s The Hotel Cafe this very evening, June 2.

Boh Doran Facebook | Twitter

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