TVD’s The Idelic Hour with Jon Sidel

Greetings from the “L.E.S” in Lower Manhattan!

“Let’s go back to the classroom and start doing our alphabet all over.” David Peel, 1978

I’m in my home town of New York City. After a long and deep, dreamy sleep I awoke to find myself high above the skyline of the “L.E.S.,” what we used to refer to as “Alphabet Town.” Nope, I was not making my way to rock ‘n roll heaven—thank god—way too soon for that! No, I had not taken an overdose. I was laying on a hard hotel bed with sheets of a high thread count.

This sleek and spartan room with black wooden floors and floor to ceiling windows looks out on Orchard Street. The interior was designed by Jim Walrod, a friend from the ’80s. Walrod’s rep back in the day was being the master of “fixing up” junk to sell to fancy people on Lafayette Street.

The fancy people have taken over here—below is a very different Orchard Street to that of my youth. For me, all that remains of John Peel’s smoke-in and CBGBs are the occasional reminders—a song, a neon sign, or handshake from an old friend.

It’s cool. I still like it here. I sleep well in Walrod’s room above the new Orchard Street. The L.E.S. has nice eye candy and good eats. Never thought I’d buy in, but Walrod’s junk was always better than the original. What’s next for this crazy, wonderful city?

Gotta run! Enjoy the sound of the Alphabets!

The Idelic Hit of the Week:
Wet – You’re The Best

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