Artifacts: The TVD
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“In this technologically driven society we live in, digital downloads rule over all other media formats, but I can’t help but think that there is something much more pleasing about viewing your music collection in a physical form. I don’t buy CDs anymore, but I don’t need to. Most modern vinyl releases include some form of free download or even a CD alongside it, so that you don’t have to spend double if you want to listen to an album in a train or something.”

“I’ll admit that I wasn’t brought up in a vinyl household; It was my uncle who really got me into collecting—he is a sound artist and a real vinyl junkie—he’d pick up rare records in Japan where he resided, and sold them back in the UK, where the demand for some releases was much higher.

I have memories of a childhood me getting told off by him after fucking with his turntable—of course I had no idea what it was at the time but after that, I found massive interest in this idea of a really fragile form of music. I’ve realised now that I was probably a lot more heavy-handed when I was a child, and apart from my old skinny albums, I don’t find the fragility a big deal now, seeing as most reissues and new releases these days are done in 180g heavyweight vinyl. That kind of disc can take a beating.

Right now my collection has everything in it from Blonde Redhead, The Twilight Sad, Jeff Buckley, Joni Mitchell, My Bloody Valentine, Big Star, and plenty of other amazing bands. I find myself picking up more and more records on eBay than I ever would have with CDs. I’m currently looking for a good condition copy of John Martyn’s Solid Air which is proving to be difficult, but perseverance is key I suppose. My wish-list is looking pretty high at the moment, but I guess if I just pick things up as I find them then I’ll be okay, assuming my wallet doesn’t entirely hollow out.

If I had to pick the main reason I love vinyl, it would have to be the fact that listening to a record, crackles and all, on a decent Hi-Fi has so much more presence than other forms—from changing sides to adjusting the speed, you always have something to focus on, which in turn makes the whole listening experience much more focused and direct. You listen harder because you work harder for it. It’s worth it for that reason alone.”
Patrick Fitzroy

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