The TVD First Date

“One time when I was around 4, me and my dad went to do the weekend shopping. We went to this grand store, you know the kind that has a cheese counter, an electronic section, and its own record department.”

Instead of giving me money to buy candy, my father offered to give me more than my allowance, would I spend my money on a vinyl record instead of sweets. I decided to go for music and started digging through the crates in the nice price section.

When I saw the cover for W.A.S.P’s The Last Command, I needed to look no more.

The cover artwork with Blackie Lawless holding up a nasty flag somewhere that looked like Hell, was both shocking and intriguing. The back side displayed individual portraits of the bandmembers. All of the rockers had their mouths open in the photos, in a classic ’80s scream/offended look. Everyone except for singer Blackie—he was sporting the blue steele-look, way before Ben Stiller did Zoolander.

The artwork was horrible and amazing at the same time and coming home I found out that the music wasn’t bad either.

It’s been vinyl before candy ever since.”
Kristian Stockhaus (Vocal, Guitar)

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