Ross and the Wrongens: The TVD First Date

“Vinyl, thats all I know. Thats all I want to know! I’m very much into vinyl, a ‘vinyl junkie,’ someone once said.”

“How did it all start…

My parents gave me their music box when I was a kid which had a tape deck, turntable, and radio tuner (that got me hooked). I’d spend hours stacking the records on the arm and playing my favourites. So, from an early age I was buying records, but as a kid money was tight. Well, still is!

So, I did a deal with this kid at school—I’d buy a week’s meal tokens from him for the price of a day’s dinner money from my mum! I’d then save the rest of the week’s dinner money and go buy a slab of vinyl at the weekend. When my mum found out she wasn’t happy…haha!

There was always something about getting the vinyl out of the inner sleeve, lowering the needle, then checking out the cover and inner sleeve while listening…

I’ve never sold any of the records I’ve bought. I now have a room full of vinyl, wall to wall, floor to ceiling! (CD’s have always been a swear word in my house…) If there was a release I wanted, I’d always track down the vinyl and if it wasn’t released on vinyl, I’d go without.

This may sound a bit weird to some—it is to members of my band—I’ve never owned an ipod or any MP3 player! Don’t want one, why would you?

So, when we came to record our first EP, I had to get it out on…vinyl.”
Ross Wrongen

Ross and the Wrongens Official | Facebook | Twitter

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