The Lonely Forest:
The TVD Week

The Lonely Forest had one of our favorite releases last year with Arrows, and with Arrows’ debut on vinyl just this past Tuesday, we’ve invited the band to hang out with us all week in a celebration of what we tend to call in these parts a “crowning achievement.” We’ve been talking records all week with the guys in the band and we still have a chance for one of you to get your hands on a copy of Arrows on vinyl.

Today, as our fireworks finale, we debut an exclusive acoustic performance from the band. John Van Deusen, TLF’s lead singer and guitarist, offers some background:

“We Sing In Time” has been a Lonely Forest song for a while. Previous to its release on the record before Arrows (We Sing The Body Electric!), it sat around as a demo of mine that I didn’t think was worth listening to.

Re-recording it with Chris Walla in San Francisco was fun but also nerve-racking because the original version had this sort of magic to it. It was loud and messy in a really cool way. So we had to be strategic in our approach. I like both versions for their own reasons now and I think the latest recording fits the aesthetic of Arrows perfectly.

I remember smoking cigarettes in the alley at Tiny Telephone (John Vanderslice’s studio) so that my scream at the end of the song would be gut wrenching. I think it worked!

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